Howdy folks, just another update on the homefront. I can hardly believe that 2008 is almost over with. Halloween has just passed us, and we had a major blast. Luckily, we were able to dress up for 4, that's right you read it, FOUR different activities. (I have heard that one is more than enough for the normal person, but who are we kidding-- I am FAR from normal.) So we did two church trunk or treats (one for the ward and one for the branch), REAL trick or treating on Halloween, AND our annual party the day AFTER halloween. WHEW!! It was a whirlwind, but we managed it and I had a blast doing it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Autumn is my favorite time of year..
Did I mention to you all that I LOVE the FALL?? Its the colors of the leaves, the slight chill in the air that calls for bonfires in the evenings, and the way that the earth gives up her bounty to harvest. But, most of all...I love to rake the leaves into piles and jump in them!!! Here are a few pics of the kids enjoying that very same pastime!
I can recall as a child, the monotonous chore of having ENDLESS leaves in our yard. We lived on the edge of the woods back then too, but for some reason, I think trees had more leaves then or something! My brother and I would be forced to work in the yard many a glorious fall day, none other than raking leaves. So...naturally, we would turn it into a game. I can recall one day in particular that we had been raking forever, and we were trying to devise a way that would make our work lighter. Our chore consisted of raking the leaves into piles, and then stuffing them into a large rubbermaid trashcan until it was bursting at the seams. Then we proceeded to drag the heavy thing all the way back to our back yard far enough into the woods "that my mom couldn't see it". It was torture... I hated it, and it took waaaaaay too long. (A four-wheeler may have been useful here) So, my mind being crafty as is was devised a fabulous plan that included our family dog "Cisco" who was at the time a VERY unruly and strong german shepard. He was technically still a puppy, with a TON of energy to burn....I figured why not harness it?? (Literally) You can see where this is going I'm sure....(Hey the Amish people do it) So I smartly harnessed up ol Cisco, who was clueless by the way, to our brimming trash can. All the while I had visions of myself being just like a sled dog leader, getting ready for his mission. I was giddy with anticipation, and my inginuity. That's where the dream ends. I have no idea why I thought that as soon as I let go of the leash that he would follow me no problem, but that is far from what REALLY happened. As soon as I let go of it, Cisco moved only a foot or so, but then realized that the trash can behind him was actually ATTACHED to him. This did not bode well. All of a sudden he took off like a bullet (I swear that dog must have had some greyhound in him or something) and headed for the back yard, but no sooner had I started to chase him, he had already lapped my brother and I and come around the house again, trailing the huge heavy trash can behind him. Suddenly, the trash can hit some of the large rocks that we had in our flower garden and it pole vaulted it into the air. I felt like I was watching the whole thing in slo mo.....the lid came off and a shower of leaves went everywhere. But that is not where the dog stopped, no, he kept going. This time running towards are large above ground pool and starting sprinting laps around that thing. The whole time, laying a trail of leaves that were spilling out of the now open trash can. Eventually the dog ran out of steam, and we managed to catch him. His eyes were wide, and I was sure he was going to have a heart attack. But for some reason, my brother and I could not contain ourselves after the initial shock wore off, and I think I might have peed my pants that day laughing so hard. (I know you are thinking poor dog, but he managed to survive our antics LOooong after that ordeal and reasonably unscathed might I add. I dont even think he had an aversion to trash cans after Unfortunately my Mom did eventually find out....I can't remember if I told her thinking she would laugh about it, or if my brother leaked the info...but I ended up being grounded for my stunt. And I was forced to rake the leaves up that the dog had drug out all over the yard.......The moral of the tale? Don't get caught next time.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Halloween that Almost Isn't....
As most of you already know, I am just a little into Halloween and all of it's festivities. Sadly though, this year it doesn't quite feel like Halloween yet. Because of all of my new schooling responsibilities, I am rarely given free time. This has hindered my decorating abilities. I am sure that you can realize what a travesty this is in my life. Right now the extent of my holiday decor consists of 1 pack of Martha Stewart paper spider cut outs, and a couple of pumpkins on our porch.......Thats it folks. I think even the "normal" people have more decorations out than I do. And thus, my dillemma. Yes. It has been a very sad month in the life of Amber Kopp. What't worse, is that I have less than 2 weeks to figure out and make a themed costume getup for my entire family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! Now THATS scary. People are telling me, "Amber, it's TOTALLY understandable, your so busy...Just put any old costume on your kids, they won't remember it!!!" I say SHUT YO MOUTH! How could I???? That would be an ink spot on the face of my creativity!!!! So I am going to have to find a way out of this mess myself. I will let you all know what I end up thinking of. In other news...we did manage to paint some pumpkins at the Mannings house for FHE last week. It was a fun activity, and since we are all so busy, we have dropped our group FHE's to one Monday a month. (SAD!!!) But, it really makes it mean alot more when you don't see each other that much. So, even though Jaxon was feeling a little under the weather, we went and spent time with our friends.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Whoa Nelly! Has it really been over four months since I blogged??? I should be ashamed of myself for letting all of my faithful viewers down! Because Seth loves me so much, he recently introduced me to the greatest invention since the automobile..............................Are you ready for this Folks?..............................Pancake Batter in a CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This delightful idea lets my Anti-Rachel Ray, I hate cooking and everything associated with cooking self actually prepare a decent breakfast, FAST, and it actually tastes GOOD! Finally I have another option in the morning that doesn't conflict with my food mantra, "If it takes more than 2 steps, I don't want to do it" You just shake and squirt this fabulous goo onto a hot griddle, and wa-la, in less than 5 minutes you will have light, fluffy mouthwatering pancakes that will taste great and digest easily. And did I mention that it was FAST???? Oh, and that it's ORGANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, me oh my...I think I may just faint from the excitement! IT"S LIKE MANNA FROM HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought that I would be so happy over pancakes, but you should try them,and you will see! Located in your local grocer's cooler!!!!!
Also, in other news, I am now a full-time student at Wesley College. I am finishing up what I started over 10 (YIKES) years ago as a young, fresh high school graduate. As most of you know, I did manage to acquire my Associate of Arts from the University of Delaware some 4ish years ago. Then my wonderful husband decided that it was indeed his turn to finish, and he got his B.A. in History at Wesley and his M.A. at Wilmington College.....Switch back to me. Now 2 kids later, and I am ready to finish! I decided on Wesley's fabuloso History program, and (Lucky Me) their new Museum Studies courses that they are offering. Those of you who know me well, know that I am no stranger in dressing up in old clothes and paying homage to the ol' ancestors. (Put me in a museum, and you have instant cool job!!!) Well, hopefully anyways! So lately I have been uber busy, writing papers on the Crusades/ Controversial Exhibits/ Corporal Punishment in Delaware/ Indian Pow-Wow's....WHEW! So yes, I am pretty consumed right now. Oh, and not to mention that I keep a 3 year old and a 1 year old by my side all day long to help distract me, (Oh, I mean to enlighten my maternal views of post modern female society....or something like that) But, none of this would be possible if it weren't for my wonderful eternal mate.....My other set of paper critiquer, Seth. He has really responded to the call of duty, and filled my absence in all of its faculties. (Home, work and kids) I love him so much! I'm such a lucky gal!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Olde Dover Days, Mother's Day and the kids
Its sad to say but I realize that I have not blogged in quite a long time....sorry for all 2 of you who read this. Thus being said, I will combine what should have been about 3 blogs that I never got to do.
So around here in the big D state, we celebrate something called Olde Dover Days that I look forward to with great anticipation. Why you ask? Because at this time it becomes socially acceptable to dress in period costume, and people won't think that you're on a day trip from the assylum. I had been looking forward to this year in particular because it marked the 75th year of Olde Dover Days celebrations. In conjunction with this historic event, they also finally finished the remodel of our Old State House on the Green. So to celebrate these two events, Dover decided to throw an Olde Dover Days Grand Ball. Attendees were encouraged to come in period costume during any of the periods that the State House was in existance. Since it was built in the 1700's that meant that one could wear either Colonial, Civil War, or even 1920's flapper attire. Now to me, that was heaven on earth. You all know how I jump at the opportunity to get all dressed up for ANYTHING. So I marched right over to our local Actor's Attic and perused their large costume selection. They had everything from Civil War Ball gowns and soldiers uniforms to all sorts of Colonial fare. Now, when this whole idea started, I had convinced Seth that this thing would be soooo much fun, and it was a once in a lifetime event. After much convincing , and promising that he could be a Union General if he wanted to, he reluctantly agreed to my request. Now those of you that know Seth, also know that his idea of a Halloween costume is an orange t-shirt. He absolutely DETESTS dressing up, but because he loves me he did it. So I dragged him over to the costume shop where we actually had a bit of a laugh trying on the costumes and he faired remarkably well. I was really impressed with how open minded he was, which is why I was so wonderfully suprised for what happened next. While I was looking through all of the costumes....I saw it....the dress of my dreams. I HAD to have it. It was my size.....(lets not make light of it because thats a feat in itself)....It was Blue and Gold...Delaware's colors......It fit me like a dream AND..and this is a big one....It had NEVER been rented before because it was brand new.......All of these wonderful things rolled into one for me spelled "I'll take it!".....Oh but for the catch. It was not manly, soldier Civil War time period but COLONIAL. Now you are sitting there saying why does this matter? and what's the big deal? Well for me there was no big deal, except that the mother of all favors was about to be asked to Mr. Seth Kopp.........Honey, would you mind switching time periods?? I like Colonial better...Um, that means you are goingtohavetoweartights...OH LOOK AT THIS COOL HAT. HONEY THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER.............Seth says, "did you just say the word "tights" to me with a serious face?" Amber says, "Oh HOooooney....PLEASE!!!!!!! I loooooooove this dress and we HAAAVE TO MATCH!!!!" Can you see the look on Seth's face now??????? Let me paint that picture for you now. It's a cross of pain, "what's that smell" and "are you stupid?" all nicely rolled into one expression. Well, all I can say is he was feeling mighty generous that day, (or else I am getting REALLY good at changing peoples minds) because I managed to talk him into it! And he did it graciously and without a whole lot of complaint! So aside from that minor almost catastrophic episode, we agreed on a costume for him as well.
The day of the event was wonderful, There was a parade down state street, children maypole dancing on the green. A TON of wonderful food and craft vendors, and many, many reinactments. Everything from knights jousting, to Civil War guys shooting off their rifles. They even have a fife and drum orchestra that performs in period accurate clothing. I decided to get the "most" out of my lovely dress and wear it during the day as well. And while I'm at it, get the kids used to it early....
So we had a great day...I took a ton of Pictures...(big surprise there) and we had alot of fun. Later in the evening the actual Ball took place. And even Seth said that he enjoyed himself. We ate period accurate food...(Mmmm Bread pudding), learned how to dance the old fashioned way. And even got a candlelit walking tour of the historic "green" . Which is basically the old town square. It was alot of fun, and I am soooo glad that Seth indulged me enough to do it!!!!!!!!!
PS....To be continued..................
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Easter Eggs-citement
Hello all. Spring break is finally over, and with it went any and all time that Seth had to fix anything around the house. I have to say no matter how much time we get off, miraculously we still have our DVR filled to capacity, every house project still unfinished, and trips planned still to do. I have been wanting to take the kids to the Baltimore Aquarium for a couple of months now, but for some reason, this fun-filled event keeps eluding me. I think Seth keeps scheduling things on the calendar on purpose. Or, he just makes these things up.
The night before the Easter Bunny was due to come, we set out the empty baskets, and Jaxon set out some carrots for him. We told him that in the morning there might be a surprise for him. When the kids got up in the morning, it was too cute. Jaxon was so excited about all his stuff. E.B. even wrote a little note on the plate that his carrots were, and left his paw print. Later we all got dressed in our Easter finest. Everyone had lime green on. (I will post some pics later) Finally we went to church, and to my surprise my brother showed up. It was nice to see him there, along with my friend Christine.
The rest of the day came and went without "too" much drama. Of course I had to make nice with my brother's "wife" Because he invited her over to our Mom's house, (even though I didn't want to see her). Long story short, they were having marital issues while he was overseas. He decided to tell everyone with a telephone what was going on, so if you live in the State of Delaware you should already know the low down. We were all SURE that it was OVER, but somehow she made her way back into the picture. Those of you who know me, know that I am REAL. I don't lie, even if it might hurt your feelings. I don't like to sugar coat things, and I'm one of those people who supports, that if the truth is rude, so be it. Now, Seth is the tactful one. It's actually kind of good, because we balance each other out. Thankfully, he let me vent to him and get angry and get all of the emotion out of the way, so that when I did talk with her. It was more just facts. No emotion from me. She acts like she's sorry, but who knows for sure?? All I know is, you burn me once, and you are screwed in my book. I will NEVER trust you again. I have put my heart out too many times in my life and come back with chopped liver. So I refuse to expose myself to TOXIC or unstable people in my life. To me, it's just not worth the heartache.
Aside from that conversation, and like I said, "playing nice" on my part. There really wasn't anything dramatic about Easter. (What would every family gathering be without a fight, hurt feelings or drama?)
After leaving my Mom's house, we went over to Seth's parents house, and did the annual Easter egg hunt. Now the best part of this hunt is that it is not just for the kids. Every year, there is placed around the house almost 200 eggs, and one VERY special egg that is known to us in the family as "the chick egg", and it is good. The chick egg has been around since the dawn of the Easter egg hunt, no really, this thing is so old, that it has to be taped together because it is so dilapidated. Basically, it is just a really old Easter egg in the shape of a little chick. It's cracked and falling apart, but it still dutifully serves it's purpose. Why don't they just replace this poor thing and put it out of it's misery? Well, it's TRADITION! TRADITION! Well, as I am sure that you can believe, there is SERIOUS competition between the adults for this little, elusive egg. Why you ask?? Well, that's because this little baby has the mother of all prizes inside. $20 bucks. That's right, while all of the other kiddies are looking for eggs with chump change and candy, I am scoping for this baby. Not only do you get, well now only about a 1/3rd a tank of gas ( I remember when it filled my gas tank) but you also get bragging rights for a year. And let me tell you.....I am a chick egg finding champion. Many come, but they always eat my dust, and of course this year was no different. (I must say last year, I was unfairly ruled against because I was carrying around a human being inside of me)....But this year the gloves came off folks. And there was VICTORY. Yes, there is not much else sweeter than finding that little bugger and holding it up for my post victory picture. (and of course watching the looks of disappointment on everyone else's face) What can I say, I am a little competitive, and let's face it, playing Let's go Fishin or Elephun with Jaxon doesn't really satisfy that churning desire to conquer. So for now, I am again the Winner of the Hunt. I have held this title many times, and if there is any out there who feels that they can beat me, let them come.....I say...Bring it.
The night before the Easter Bunny was due to come, we set out the empty baskets, and Jaxon set out some carrots for him. We told him that in the morning there might be a surprise for him. When the kids got up in the morning, it was too cute. Jaxon was so excited about all his stuff. E.B. even wrote a little note on the plate that his carrots were, and left his paw print. Later we all got dressed in our Easter finest. Everyone had lime green on. (I will post some pics later) Finally we went to church, and to my surprise my brother showed up. It was nice to see him there, along with my friend Christine.
The rest of the day came and went without "too" much drama. Of course I had to make nice with my brother's "wife" Because he invited her over to our Mom's house, (even though I didn't want to see her). Long story short, they were having marital issues while he was overseas. He decided to tell everyone with a telephone what was going on, so if you live in the State of Delaware you should already know the low down. We were all SURE that it was OVER, but somehow she made her way back into the picture. Those of you who know me, know that I am REAL. I don't lie, even if it might hurt your feelings. I don't like to sugar coat things, and I'm one of those people who supports, that if the truth is rude, so be it. Now, Seth is the tactful one. It's actually kind of good, because we balance each other out. Thankfully, he let me vent to him and get angry and get all of the emotion out of the way, so that when I did talk with her. It was more just facts. No emotion from me. She acts like she's sorry, but who knows for sure?? All I know is, you burn me once, and you are screwed in my book. I will NEVER trust you again. I have put my heart out too many times in my life and come back with chopped liver. So I refuse to expose myself to TOXIC or unstable people in my life. To me, it's just not worth the heartache.
Aside from that conversation, and like I said, "playing nice" on my part. There really wasn't anything dramatic about Easter. (What would every family gathering be without a fight, hurt feelings or drama?)
After leaving my Mom's house, we went over to Seth's parents house, and did the annual Easter egg hunt. Now the best part of this hunt is that it is not just for the kids. Every year, there is placed around the house almost 200 eggs, and one VERY special egg that is known to us in the family as "the chick egg", and it is good. The chick egg has been around since the dawn of the Easter egg hunt, no really, this thing is so old, that it has to be taped together because it is so dilapidated. Basically, it is just a really old Easter egg in the shape of a little chick. It's cracked and falling apart, but it still dutifully serves it's purpose. Why don't they just replace this poor thing and put it out of it's misery? Well, it's TRADITION! TRADITION! Well, as I am sure that you can believe, there is SERIOUS competition between the adults for this little, elusive egg. Why you ask?? Well, that's because this little baby has the mother of all prizes inside. $20 bucks. That's right, while all of the other kiddies are looking for eggs with chump change and candy, I am scoping for this baby. Not only do you get, well now only about a 1/3rd a tank of gas ( I remember when it filled my gas tank) but you also get bragging rights for a year. And let me tell you.....I am a chick egg finding champion. Many come, but they always eat my dust, and of course this year was no different. (I must say last year, I was unfairly ruled against because I was carrying around a human being inside of me)....But this year the gloves came off folks. And there was VICTORY. Yes, there is not much else sweeter than finding that little bugger and holding it up for my post victory picture. (and of course watching the looks of disappointment on everyone else's face) What can I say, I am a little competitive, and let's face it, playing Let's go Fishin or Elephun with Jaxon doesn't really satisfy that churning desire to conquer. So for now, I am again the Winner of the Hunt. I have held this title many times, and if there is any out there who feels that they can beat me, let them come.....I say...Bring it.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Adventures in Pottytraining
Well the title here pretty much sums up the fun-filled day we had at the Kopp house. Seth is home this week for Easter Break, so for some insane reason, we thought that we would give Jaxon a full day to "try" potty training. OK, sure, ....I told Seth that there was no way on GOD'S green earth that I would even attempt to do this alone . So when I woke up on Monday morning and come downstairs, I was not really surprised to see Jaxon running around in "Big boy undies" minus his diaper. OK folks, I just want to explain to you that at that very moment my blood pressure shot up about 20 points, and I felt something akin to a cross between a blackout and a stroke coming on. I just for some reason was not handling the whole idea of my son now becoming a volatile substance that would explode at any moment, and ruin my ________ (fill in the blank here: a) carpet b) couch c)handmade heirloom quilts d) All of the above)
I'm sure you can imagine that I have been dreading this time in my son's life for quite some time now. I had visions of poo and pee running out of clothing......Uuugggggg (it shudders me to the bone even now) And mind you, I have a pretty strong stomach, it wasn't the Gag factor as much as it was the Icky factor. I don't know why my husband insisted that this was a "FAILPROOF" method. And that his mom had pottytrained, him, his brother and his two nephews in one day. Oh he wooed me with visions of no longer changing big boy poopy diapers, and "oohhh honey, think of the money we will save in diapers".... I have to tell you I was hooked..... But I couldn't get away from those awful thoughts of a tidal wave of urine flooding me right out of the front door of my house......Roll up the rugs!!!!!!!!! Stay off the couch!!!!!!!!!!! Where is my life vest???????? I even called a few of my girlfriends who have older children for encouragment. They say thats pretty much what they did, but they also confirmed that when the kid is ready, they will latch right on to the idea fairly quickly. And, if they are not ready, well, then you get alot of accidents. (To Reyna and Tiff, if you guys read this, thanks for your support, but I am falling off the wagon and dragging Jaxon with me.) Needless to say I could only handle it for that one day. (I know it takes longer, but we are going to have to find another way) The poor kid peed on the floor like 4 times, and went through like 6 pairs of underwear..... My patience was waning. And of course in between each accident, he had to be bathed(a chore that he actually gets enjoyment from) So I think our approach was all wrong. I told Seth we needed to recoop and to rethink our battleplan before we had any casualties. (Namely me from exasperation) In Jaxon's defense, he did manage to pee on the potty 3 times that day. So he was kind of gettting the idea. I just couldn't handle the uncertainty of it all... Why is he making that face??? Does that mean he's gotta pee?? Jaxon do you have to pee?? Are you sure?? He just made a noise....Jaxon, don't drink so much juice!!!!!Let's go try and pee on the potty. Do you have to pee??? Stay off the couch!!! I think he's gotta pee, stay in this room, stay off the carpet.....He just peed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So to all of you that are curious, the Susie Kopp method of pottytraining may actually work for: Susie Kopp. In which case I am wondering, maybe its time for a long weekend at Grammies house......
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Koppertops
Yes, Seth and I are ADDICTED to Rock Band, and as I'm sure you have guessed it our Band is called "The Koppertops". We have gigs in our home, just about every night of the week that we're available. Our Fan base is HUGE, and we even have a couple of groupies that follow our every move, and try to include themselves in the merriment. (Posers) Evie thinks she is our backup singer, and sounds somewhere between a Raptor, and a cat whose tail has been stepped on. (I've heard better, but don't tell her I told you so) Seth is a natural on the drums, much to Jaxon's dismay, because that is "His Favorite Spot". However, he has filled in on the Mic in a pinch, and we got an approval rating above 70....proof that the singer really doesn't have to know how to sing. And of course, that leaves me with the AXE, yes, I must say that I am pretty good on the guitar, and I can even do Radiohead's "CREEP" on HARD. (I know, I know, save your applause please) But, don't get your hopes up trying to snag us for your next big event, because we are booked solid folks until 2012. (Or at least until both kids are pottytrained)
Monday, March 17, 2008
My Big St. Patty's Redneck Parade
Saturday was Dover's Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, and for the first time in 3 years, we didn't walk in it. We decided that it would be easier just to sit on the sidelines this year, and actually enjoy it. (Not to mention that for some reason, Capital School District didn't enter) So I dressed the kids and myself up in our finery, and plopped ourselves on a prime location for viewing right on the curb. We saw a few old friends and chatted for a while before the parade started, and Evie even got her picture taken a few times by TWO local papers. She was on page 8 of the Delaware State News on Sunday, and Both the kids will be in the Dover Post on Wednesday. Oh, and did I mention that our local news station, WBOC, also taped her for their evening broadcast?? (I know, I am gloating just a lil bit...I just hardly can handle having such adorable children..hee hee) All in all it was a fun day, and Jaxon really enjoyed watching the parade with all of the firetrucks, and motorcycles and candy being thrown at him.
*Note* You can check out the Dover Post Picture here:
In other news, Seth and I have a new favorite show that I think everyone needs to TiVo(and you can call us and tell us how much you love it..) Its called "My Big Redneck Wedding" Ok you want to know how in the world I stumbled upon this Gem, well it all started on lazy evening while I was managing my DVR lists, and I reminded my self that I needed to record a particularly interesting "Mythbusters" (another fine show if I might add), So as I was scrolling down the lists of programs, I saw the other. I thought, anything that has to do with weddings and trashy redneck people has to be a hoot.....Well, let me tell you was I gloriously underprepared for this show...(WARNING: You might want to put a shower curtain or some sort of protective device on your bed, couch, chair wherever you might be watching this show because you might just pee your pants from laughing so hard) It's hosted by Tom Arnold, who is hilarious anyway, and he comments on everything that happens. Lets just say that this show will encase the following, but not limited to: Bridesmaids in camoflage, Beercan wedding arches, ATV's, dead animals, lost teeth, Mud, Pig hunts, Demolition Derbys, Grooms in Camoflage, Drunk people, wedding guests wearing Camoflage, tractors, Beercan centerpieces, and Mattress Surfing...(need I say more???) I know that I have piqued your interests now, so go and watch it already, and let me know what you think!!!! You can thank me later.....
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Moving On...Moving Up
I decided that my MySpace blogs were not getting the treatment that they deserved, so I have moved up into the Big Leagues. Besides, how can I deny the friends that do not have a MySpace the pleasure of reading my insanity, and basking in all of the sunshine that eminates from my life????????????
Today my brother came back to Delaware after a long and trying tour overseas. I was overjoyed to finally see him today, and Jaxon was estatic. He couldn't believe how much Evie had changed in just 7 months. Hey, I see her everyday, and I can't get over how fast she changes.
So can I tell you how funny Jaxon is? That little man is never short on laughs, and he sure is entertaining. He knows just what to say to me to bring a smile to my face, and he sure is a charmer. Right now he is a professor of the Alphabet, counts to 20, and can name the first 20 presidents in order, just by looking at a picture of their face. He recognizes all of his letters and numbers, and will happily tell you the Pledge of Allegiance. He knows most of his shapes, all of his colors, and can even tell you what kind of change you have in your pocket!! Did I mention that he LOVES to read?? This boy will take a book and practically memorize it word for word. His newest favorite, "Are You My Mother?" by P.D Eastman. You can hand him the book and he will "read" it as he turns the pages. Obviously memorizing what is said with each picture. He also loves to watch his favorite shows, Yo Gabba Gabba, Little Bill and The Backyardigans. The newest one I am turning him onto is ni hao kai-lan, It teaches Manderin Chinese. And you know I have to listen to that stuff too, so I am learning as well!! I have to say, Nick Jr. does a great job with their shows, and they are pretty educational, as well as entertaining. But the Gold Star goes to Yo Gabba Gabba!! If you really want to watch a cool kids show...say no more. I showed all the girlfriends a few months ago what it was all about, because I had them all saved on the Tivo. We have enjoyed this one from the getgo, and Jaxon never tires of hearing from all of these funky characters. It encourages imagination, and teaches things in a playful way....Who wouldn't enjoy listening to songs like "Don't, Don't, DON"T bite your FRIENDS!!!" and "There's a party in my tummy". They have special guests all of the time, like Elijah Wood, who is hilarious dancing by the way, and Tony Hawk on a skate ramp. It also encourages dancing and movement, as well as music. But, by far my favorite is "Biz's Beat of the Day", Which has Biz Markie making all kinds of noises that only he can do. It gets 2 thumbs up from the Kopp's, and watching it actually makes you want to get up and Dancy Dance! I must admit, its a welcome change from "I love you, you love me....Stab me in the head with my fork.........
Today my brother came back to Delaware after a long and trying tour overseas. I was overjoyed to finally see him today, and Jaxon was estatic. He couldn't believe how much Evie had changed in just 7 months. Hey, I see her everyday, and I can't get over how fast she changes.
So can I tell you how funny Jaxon is? That little man is never short on laughs, and he sure is entertaining. He knows just what to say to me to bring a smile to my face, and he sure is a charmer. Right now he is a professor of the Alphabet, counts to 20, and can name the first 20 presidents in order, just by looking at a picture of their face. He recognizes all of his letters and numbers, and will happily tell you the Pledge of Allegiance. He knows most of his shapes, all of his colors, and can even tell you what kind of change you have in your pocket!! Did I mention that he LOVES to read?? This boy will take a book and practically memorize it word for word. His newest favorite, "Are You My Mother?" by P.D Eastman. You can hand him the book and he will "read" it as he turns the pages. Obviously memorizing what is said with each picture. He also loves to watch his favorite shows, Yo Gabba Gabba, Little Bill and The Backyardigans. The newest one I am turning him onto is ni hao kai-lan, It teaches Manderin Chinese. And you know I have to listen to that stuff too, so I am learning as well!! I have to say, Nick Jr. does a great job with their shows, and they are pretty educational, as well as entertaining. But the Gold Star goes to Yo Gabba Gabba!! If you really want to watch a cool kids show...say no more. I showed all the girlfriends a few months ago what it was all about, because I had them all saved on the Tivo. We have enjoyed this one from the getgo, and Jaxon never tires of hearing from all of these funky characters. It encourages imagination, and teaches things in a playful way....Who wouldn't enjoy listening to songs like "Don't, Don't, DON"T bite your FRIENDS!!!" and "There's a party in my tummy". They have special guests all of the time, like Elijah Wood, who is hilarious dancing by the way, and Tony Hawk on a skate ramp. It also encourages dancing and movement, as well as music. But, by far my favorite is "Biz's Beat of the Day", Which has Biz Markie making all kinds of noises that only he can do. It gets 2 thumbs up from the Kopp's, and watching it actually makes you want to get up and Dancy Dance! I must admit, its a welcome change from "I love you, you love me....Stab me in the head with my fork.........
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