Hello all. Spring break is finally over, and with it went any and all time that Seth had to fix anything around the house. I have to say no matter how much time we get off, miraculously we still have our DVR filled to capacity, every house project still unfinished, and trips planned still to do. I have been wanting to take the kids to the Baltimore Aquarium for a couple of months now, but for some reason, this fun-filled event keeps eluding me. I think Seth keeps scheduling things on the calendar on purpose. Or, he just makes these things up.
The night before the Easter Bunny was due to come, we set out the empty baskets, and Jaxon set out some carrots for him. We told him that in the morning there might be a surprise for him. When the kids got up in the morning, it was too cute. Jaxon was so excited about all his stuff. E.B. even wrote a little note on the plate that his carrots were, and left his paw print. Later we all got dressed in our Easter finest. Everyone had lime green on. (I will post some pics later) Finally we went to church, and to my surprise my brother showed up. It was nice to see him there, along with my friend Christine.
The rest of the day came and went without "too" much drama. Of course I had to make nice with my brother's "wife" Because he invited her over to our Mom's house, (even though I didn't want to see her). Long story short, they were having marital issues while he was overseas. He decided to tell everyone with a telephone what was going on, so if you live in the State of Delaware you should already know the low down. We were all SURE that it was OVER, but somehow she made her way back into the picture. Those of you who know me, know that I am REAL. I don't lie, even if it might hurt your feelings. I don't like to sugar coat things, and I'm one of those people who supports,
that if the truth is rude, so be it. Now, Seth is the tactful one. It's actually kind of good, because we balance each other out. Thankfully, he let me vent to him and get angry and get all of the emotion out of the way, so that when I did talk with her. It was more just facts. No emotion from me. She acts like she's sorry, but who knows for sure?? All I know is, you burn me once, and you are screwed in my book. I will NEVER trust you again. I have put my heart out too many times in my life and come back with chopped liver. So I refuse to expose myself to TOXIC or unstable people in my life. To me, it's just not worth the heartache.
Aside from that conversation, and like I said, "playing nice" on my part. There really wasn't anything dramatic about Easter. (What would every family gathering be without a fight, hurt feelings or drama?)
After leaving my Mom's house, we went over to Seth's parents house, and did the annual Easter egg hunt. Now the best part of this hunt is that it is not just for the kids. Every year, there is placed around the house almost 200 eggs, and one VERY special egg that is known to us in the family as "the chick egg", and it is good. The chick egg has been around since the dawn of the Easter egg hunt, no really, this thing is so old, that it has to be taped together because it is so dilapidated. Basically, it is just a really old Easter egg in the shape of a little chick. It's cracked and falling apart, but it still dutifully serves it's purpose. Why don't they just replace this poor thing and put it out of it's misery? Well, it's TRADITION! TRADITION! Well, as I am sure that you can believe, there is SERIOUS competition between the adults for this little, elusive egg. Why you ask?? Well, that's because this little baby has the mother of all prizes inside. $20 bucks. That's right, while all of the other kiddies are looking for eggs with chump change and candy, I am scoping for this baby. Not only do you get, well now only about a 1/3rd a tank of gas ( I remember when it filled my gas tank) but you also get bragging rights for a year. And let me tell you.....I am a chick egg finding champion. Many come, but they always eat my dust, and of course this year was no different. (I must say last year, I was unfairly ruled against because I was carrying around a human being inside of me)....But this year the gloves came off folks. And there was VICTORY. Yes, there is not much else sweeter than finding that little bugger and holding it up for my post victory picture. (and of course watching the looks of disappointment on everyone else's face) What can I say, I am a little competitive, and let's face it, playing Let's go Fishin or Elephun with Jaxon doesn't really satisfy that churning desire to conquer. So for now, I am again the Winner of the Hunt. I have held this title many times, and if there is any out there who feels that they can beat me, let them come.....I say...Bring it.