Whoa Nelly! Has it really been over four months since I blogged??? I should be ashamed of myself for letting all of my faithful viewers down! Because Seth loves me so much, he recently introduced me to the greatest invention since the automobile..............................Are you ready for this Folks?..............................Pancake Batter in a CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This delightful idea lets my Anti-Rachel Ray, I hate cooking and everything associated with cooking self actually prepare a decent breakfast, FAST, and it actually tastes GOOD! Finally I have another option in the morning that doesn't conflict with my food mantra, "If it takes more than 2 steps, I don't want to do it" You just shake and squirt this fabulous goo onto a hot griddle, and wa-la, in less than 5 minutes you will have light, fluffy mouthwatering pancakes that will taste great and digest easily. And did I mention that it was FAST???? Oh, and that it's ORGANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, me oh my...I think I may just faint from the excitement! IT"S LIKE MANNA FROM HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought that I would be so happy over pancakes, but you should try them,and you will see! Located in your local grocer's cooler!!!!!
Also, in other news, I am now a full-time student at Wesley College. I am finishing up what I started over 10 (YIKES) years ago as a young, fresh high school graduate. As most of you know, I did manage to acquire my Associate of Arts from the University of Delaware some 4ish years ago. Then my wonderful husband decided that it was indeed his turn to finish, and he got his B.A. in History at Wesley and his M.A. at Wilmington College.....Switch back to me. Now 2 kids later, and I am ready to finish! I decided on Wesley's fabuloso History program, and (Lucky Me) their new Museum Studies courses that they are offering. Those of you who know me well, know that I am no stranger in dressing up in old clothes and paying homage to the ol' ancestors. (Put me in a museum, and you have instant cool job!!!) Well, hopefully anyways! So lately I have been uber busy, writing papers on the Crusades/ Controversial Exhibits/ Corporal Punishment in Delaware/ Indian Pow-Wow's....WHEW! So yes, I am pretty consumed right now. Oh, and not to mention that I keep a 3 year old and a 1 year old by my side all day long to help distract me, (Oh, I mean to enlighten my maternal views of post modern female society....or something like that) But, none of this would be possible if it weren't for my wonderful eternal mate.....My other set of hands....my paper critiquer, Seth. He has really responded to the call of duty, and filled my absence in all of its faculties. (Home, work and kids) I love him so much! I'm such a lucky gal!
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