Its sad to say but I realize that I have not blogged in quite a long time....sorry for all 2 of you who read this. Thus being said, I will combine what should have been about 3 blogs that I never got to do.
So around here in the big D state, we celebrate something called Olde Dover Days that I look forward to with great anticipation. Why you ask? Because at this time it becomes socially acceptable to dress in period costume, and people won't think that you're on a day trip from the assylum. I had been looking forward to this year in particular because it marked the 75th year of Olde Dover Days celebrations. In conjunction with this historic event, they also finally finished the remodel of our Old State House on the Green. So to celebrate these two events, Dover decided to throw an Olde Dover Days Grand Ball. Attendees were encouraged to come in period costume during any of the periods that the State House was in existance. Since it was built in the 1700's that meant that one could wear either Colonial, Civil War, or even 1920's flapper attire. Now to me, that was heaven on earth. You all know how I jump at the opportunity to get all dressed up for ANYTHING. So I marched right over to our local Actor's Attic and perused their large costume selection. They had everything from Civil War Ball gowns and soldiers uniforms to all sorts of Colonial fare. Now, when this whole idea started, I had convinced Seth that this thing would be soooo much fun, and it was a once in a lifetime event. After much convincing , and promising that he could be a Union General if he wanted to, he reluctantly agreed to my request. Now those of you that know Seth, also know that his idea of a Halloween costume is an orange t-shirt. He absolutely DETESTS dressing up, but because he loves me he did it. So I dragged him over to the costume shop where we actually had a bit of a laugh trying on the costumes and he faired remarkably well. I was really impressed with how open minded he was, which is why I was so wonderfully suprised for what happened next. While I was looking through all of the costumes....I saw it....the dress of my dreams. I HAD to have it. It was my size.....(lets not make light of it because thats a feat in itself)....It was Blue and Gold...Delaware's colors......It fit me like a dream AND..and this is a big one....It had NEVER been rented before because it was brand new.......All of these wonderful things rolled into one for me spelled "I'll take it!".....Oh but for the catch. It was not manly, soldier Civil War time period but COLONIAL. Now you are sitting there saying why does this matter? and what's the big deal? Well for me there was no big deal, except that the mother of all favors was about to be asked to Mr. Seth Kopp.........Honey, would you mind switching time periods?? I like Colonial better...Um, that means you are goingtohavetoweartights...OH LOOK AT THIS COOL HAT. HONEY THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER.............Seth says, "did you just say the word "tights" to me with a serious face?" Amber says, "Oh HOooooney....PLEASE!!!!!!! I loooooooove this dress and we HAAAVE TO MATCH!!!!" Can you see the look on Seth's face now??????? Let me paint that picture for you now. It's a cross of pain, "what's that smell" and "are you stupid?" all nicely rolled into one expression. Well, all I can say is he was feeling mighty generous that day, (or else I am getting REALLY good at changing peoples minds) because I managed to talk him into it! And he did it graciously and without a whole lot of complaint! So aside from that minor almost catastrophic episode, we agreed on a costume for him as well.
The day of the event was wonderful, There was a parade down state street, children maypole dancing on the green. A TON of wonderful food and craft vendors, and many, many reinactments. Everything from knights jousting, to Civil War guys shooting off their rifles. They even have a fife and drum orchestra that performs in period accurate clothing. I decided to get the "most" out of my lovely dress and wear it during the day as well. And while I'm at it, get the kids used to it early....
So we had a great day...I took a ton of Pictures...(big surprise there) and we had alot of fun. Later in the evening the actual Ball took place. And even Seth said that he enjoyed himself. We ate period accurate food...(Mmmm Bread pudding), learned how to dance the old fashioned way. And even got a candlelit walking tour of the historic "green" . Which is basically the old town square. It was alot of fun, and I am soooo glad that Seth indulged me enough to do it!!!!!!!!!
PS....To be continued..................

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