Saturday was Dover's Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, and for the first time in 3 years, we didn't walk in it. We decided that it would be easier just to sit on the sidelines this year, and actually enjoy it. (Not to mention that for some reason, Capital School District didn't enter) So I dressed the kids and myself up in our finery, and plopped ourselves on a prime location for viewing right on the curb. We saw a few old friends and chatted for a while before the parade started, and Evie even got her picture taken a few times by TWO local papers. She was on page 8 of the Delaware State News on Sunday, and Both the kids will be in the Dover Post on Wednesday. Oh, and did I mention that our local news station, WBOC, also taped her for their evening broadcast?? (I know, I am gloating just a lil bit...I just hardly can handle having such adorable children..hee hee) All in all it was a fun day, and Jaxon really enjoyed watching the parade with all of the firetrucks, and motorcycles and candy being thrown at him.
*Note* You can check out the Dover Post Picture here:
In other news, Seth and I have a new favorite show that I think everyone needs to TiVo(and you can call us and tell us how much you love it..) Its called "My Big Redneck Wedding" Ok Ok...so you want to know how in the world I stumbled upon this Gem, well it all started on lazy evening while I was managing my DVR lists, and I reminded my self that I needed to record a particularly interesting "Mythbusters" (another fine show if I might add), So as I was scrolling down the lists of programs, I saw the other. I thought, anything that has to do with weddings and trashy redneck people has to be a hoot.....Well, let me tell you was I gloriously underprepared for this show...(WARNING: You might want to put a shower curtain or some sort of protective device on your bed, couch, chair wherever you might be watching this show because you might just pee your pants from laughing so hard) It's hosted by Tom Arnold, who is hilarious anyway, and he comments on everything that happens. Lets just say that this show will encase the following, but not limited to: Bridesmaids in camoflage, Beercan wedding arches, ATV's, dead animals, lost teeth, Mud, Pig hunts, Demolition Derbys, Grooms in Camoflage, Drunk people, wedding guests wearing Camoflage, tractors, Beercan centerpieces, and Mattress Surfing...(need I say more???) I know that I have piqued your interests now, so go and watch it already, and let me know what you think!!!! You can thank me later.....
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