Do you remember this show?? I used to watch it when I was probably about 12 or 13. It was one of those 80's Nickalodeon shows that came on. It was about a group of kids that would get together and tell scary stories around the campfire. I recently was able to watch a re-run of one such episode on some re-run channel. I must say, it was rather cheesy/wierd/ yet funny. I have no idea why I watched it other than morbid curiousity and bordom. So recently we have had our own scary version of the show. It all revolves around Jaxon, and getting the child to sleep in his own bed. The miraculous and wonderful powers of a TENT. I really don't know what VooDoo magic it has, but thank you Jesus for allowing us to stumble upon its redeeming qualities. You see, for the past oh...3 months or so. Our wonderful, sweet little boy has been sleeping on the floor in our bedroom. Yes, thats right, 3 long and horrible months. I have no idea how it started, maybe the child was sick. Maybe he had a nightmare, I don't even remember. But I warn you people, NEVER, I repeat--- NEVER let your child sleep with you in your room, because it will always work against you in the end. Needless to say, it caused quite the situation in our home for more than one reason that I will just let you figure out yourself..... So, we had been trying without much success to wrangle that little man into his own bed. And of course we would be greeted with much protest and tears, hyperventilating on both ends, and quite a few sleepless nights for all partys involved. The conversations would go something like this.....
Me: "Jaxon, it's time for bed, we have to do prayers now."
Jaxon: "Noooooooo Mom!!! I can't go to bed!!!! I just went to sleep!!!!!!!!"
Me: "You didn't even take a nap today!"
Jaxon: (starting to get teary eyed)"But Mom! I can't sleep down here, I'll be scared! I want to sleep upstairs with you!"
Me: "No! Your not sleeping with Mommy and Daddy anymore, your a big boy now, and big boys sleep in their own beds."
Jaxon: (Spilling more crocodile tears) "But MOOoooooom!!! I'm not Big, I'm just small!! and I will be scared by myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me: (the heartless, cruel mother) JAXON!!! GET IN BED!!! YOUR SLEEPING IN THERE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ensue alot of tears and emotion as the child runs off to his bed, and close curtain)
Even when we managed to make him stay in his own bed, and fall asleep, the wily bugger would creep up into our room in the wee hours of the night and fall asleep either on our floor, or we would wake up with him asleep in our bed. We have tried being nice and telling him that Heavenly Father and Jesus will protect him...We have tried bribing the kid...We have tried punishing him with all sorts of things, but nothing worked. Finally, one evening my friend Melissa came to spend the night and brought her two kids with her. Seth was camping with some friends, so we decided to have some "girl time" in the form of a slumber party. We set up her two kids and Jaxon in his room, and Meliss had the great idea of making a tent on the floor for the boys to sleep under. This would be the turning point in my life, because the very next night Jaxon asked to sleep in the tent again on the floor in his own room!!! I heard the angels sing at that moment!!!!!!!! I had visions of sleeping in my own bed, without a 3 year old crowding me off of the side! It was a miracle! Needless to say, Jaxon now enjoys sleeping in his room. Since then, Seth has purchased a wonderful new thing called a "bed tent". I remember these things from when I was a kid, and always wanted one, but never got one. Basically, it a tent that clips onto the mattress, and now the kid will sleep in his own bed!!!!! So along with that and what we call a "magic quilt" that also has special magic to keep him safe, I believe that we have succeeded. Thank you Jesus!!!!! And thank you Melissa for opening my eyes to what a restful nights sleep can be.
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