Well the title here pretty much sums up the fun-filled day we had at the Kopp house. Seth is home this week for Easter Break, so for some insane reason, we thought that we would give Jaxon a full day to "try" potty training. OK, sure, ....I told Seth that there was no way on GOD'S green earth that I would even attempt to do this alone . So when I woke up on Monday morning and come downstairs, I was not really surprised to see Jaxon running around in "Big boy undies" minus his diaper. OK folks, I just want to explain to you that at that very moment my blood pressure shot up about 20 points, and I felt something akin to a cross between a blackout and a stroke coming on. I just for some reason was not handling the whole idea of my son now becoming a volatile substance that would explode at any moment, and ruin my ________ (fill in the blank here: a) carpet b) couch c)handmade heirloom quilts d) All of the above)
I'm sure you can imagine that I have been dreading this time in my son's life for quite some time now. I had visions of poo and pee running out of clothing......Uuugggggg (it shudders me to the bone even now) And mind you, I have a pretty strong stomach, it wasn't the Gag factor as much as it was the Icky factor. I don't know why my husband insisted that this was a "FAILPROOF" method. And that his mom had pottytrained, him, his brother and his two nephews in one day. Oh he wooed me with visions of no longer changing big boy poopy diapers, and "oohhh honey, think of the money we will save in diapers".... I have to tell you I was hooked..... But I couldn't get away from those awful thoughts of a tidal wave of urine flooding me right out of the front door of my house......Roll up the rugs!!!!!!!!! Stay off the couch!!!!!!!!!!! Where is my life vest???????? I even called a few of my girlfriends who have older children for encouragment. They say thats pretty much what they did, but they also confirmed that when the kid is ready, they will latch right on to the idea fairly quickly. And, if they are not ready, well, then you get alot of accidents. (To Reyna and Tiff, if you guys read this, thanks for your support, but I am falling off the wagon and dragging Jaxon with me.) Needless to say I could only handle it for that one day. (I know it takes longer, but we are going to have to find another way) The poor kid peed on the floor like 4 times, and went through like 6 pairs of underwear..... My patience was waning. And of course in between each accident, he had to be bathed(a chore that he actually gets enjoyment from) So I think our approach was all wrong. I told Seth we needed to recoop and to rethink our battleplan before we had any casualties. (Namely me from exasperation) In Jaxon's defense, he did manage to pee on the potty 3 times that day. So he was kind of gettting the idea. I just couldn't handle the uncertainty of it all... Why is he making that face??? Does that mean he's gotta pee?? Jaxon do you have to pee?? Are you sure?? He just made a noise....Jaxon, don't drink so much juice!!!!!Let's go try and pee on the potty. Do you have to pee??? Stay off the couch!!! I think he's gotta pee, stay in this room, stay off the carpet.....He just peed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So to all of you that are curious, the Susie Kopp method of pottytraining may actually work for: Susie Kopp. In which case I am wondering, maybe its time for a long weekend at Grammies house......